Friday, April 28, 2017

Adventurous Frog, more Madness, Scorpions and Pups

Adventurous Frogs Die Young
My brother Jim used to say “Don’t live in the danger zone unless you’re ready to pay the price.” Such was the case for my Froggie friend, who had taken to spending the nights in my toilet bowl. (No, I don’t keep the lid down, unless I’m with a lady friend.) Every morning, Froggie would either hold on tight or swim ferociously against the tide to avoid the outgoing whirlpool. Sadly, this morning Frog could do neither and went down the tubes with what I imagine was a look of shock and disbelief on his/her face. And saying “Oh Shit” or whatever similar expression that frogs use.
I do not mourn for Froggie. Nor should you. For he lived a good life of adventure, deep inside the danger zone, died young and left a beautiful corpse. Somewhere.

Two of my special friends doing the whip scorpion shuffle.
"Whip Scorpions and Goat Ropers need love too !!"

The only thing better than Mango Madness..... is Morning Mango Madness. Mangoes ripe off the tree and damp with dew, cool before the sun is up all the way.
These are the long Japanese mangoes. Not as much flesh as their Caribbean cousins, but just as sweet. Also, they still look pretty green when ripe. I have to squeeze test them.

A nice big bowl of chilled chucks of mango. I could dive in face first and never come up.

My weekly visitation with the puppies. They are getting bigger and stronger. They still won't leave about a 15 foot radius from their birth-spot. Momma has dropped all aggressive behavior towards me. I even lifted one of the pups and she didn't move or growl.
Still hard to get good photos since the little buggers move and wiggle-waggle so much.

I am headed out to the other side of Panama, near the Costa Rica border on vacation, so no posts for a week or so.

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