Sunday, February 5, 2017

Back to Work

Unlike a regular Peace Corps service, where there are 2 months of training and another 3 months sizing up the community, Response volunteers go directly to site and hit the ground running since they have been recruited to provide very specific services. Such is my case – 3 days of orientation, a couple days of settling in and it’s off to work.
I begin tomorrow in Pueblo Nuevo in Darien, with my old friends Ligorio and Benino. We’ll review the water situation, plan our upgrades to the water intake, tour the new government houses and I’ll demonstrate the compact Chlorine Production Unit.
Tuesday, I visit a new site of Piriati with Cecilio and Dedeis to educate the village on the new Banos units that Global Brigades is building there and discuss septic tank problems that the folks there are experiencing.
Then, I’ll be checking in with all my friends in Ipeti, where government houses are being built and follow up on the Bano usage and water system. I’ll also be working in 3 more new sites : Amarae, Curti and Santa Fe. I’ll also be working with the Global Brigades volunteers again, when they come in March and June.
Long term, my plan for the next 6 months looks like this:

Activity                                                                  Working with                   Feb   Mar     Apr         May        June        July
Develop septic tank presentation     Cecilio, GB                                        X
Septic Tank charlas – Ipeti, PN, Piriati              Cecilio, Dediel GB               X                X              X
Train & Demo CPU units - PN, Piriati Dediel, GB                                                             X              X
Train Com de Agua – Piriati, Arimae, Curti     GB staff                                   X              X              X
Train Santa Fe C de A on settling tank                  solo                                                                     X
Monitor/inspect Banos in Ipeti                          Brigades                                                 X                                              X
Assist and train Bano users Piriati, PN              GB staff                                                                     X              X              X
Develop materials for JARR status    GB & PC staff                                                                         X              X
Find water test sources                                      GB & PC staff                                         X              X              X
Investigate legal ROW status
Work & Educate GB volunteers                        Brigades                                     X                                                          X
Follow up all projects                                                                                                                          X              X              X

PC = Peace Corps       GB = Global Brigades    CPU =  Chlorine Production Unit        PN = Pueblo Nuevo      ROW = right of way

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