Friday, June 22, 2018

Service Summary Video

Some of the Barriada Santos Water Committee show off their new spring catchment (toma)
The community worked really hard, carrying 5000 lbs of
materials, building new tomas and laying almost a mile of
PVC pipe. I'm SO proud of them.
With just 6 weeks left before leaving the beauty of Panama, it's time for my traditional "Service Summary Video". 

700 folks in small rural towns got new or improved water service, 8 communities got water committee and/or community trainings and I got to learn about cacao and banana 
One of the families that got new water service - obviously happy

production first hand. And spend some days on gorgeous white-sand beaches.

Peace Corps service of helping people and promoting friendship and peace is not "work" - it is a joy.

If this video or the blog has in any way inspired you to consider Peace Corps service, I invite you to talk to me or see the website at

To view the video : click here

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