Sunday, February 18, 2018

You Unload 6 Tons and Whadaya get

Whole families showed up to help move materials

We delivered the construction materials for the water system improvement project to Barriada Santos today. Lots of folks, including some kids, showed up to move materials to secure locations. Next step is to HAND CARRY all that stuff (about 3 TONS !!) up a steep, muddy 1.8 KM trail to the construction sites.
Big load for a little guy

Many Thanks to our dear friends at Waterlines, a water charity that provided funds for the project materials. With their kind help and hundreds of man-hours from the community, we will provide beautiful clear, clean spring water to the 350+ people in this community.

All materials secured and sand and gravel covered
Water Committee President Juan Carrera is pleased
Another good day delivering construction materials - this time in the precious village of Junquito. Fewer materials and a shorter path to the site of the new spring box (only 1 km) will make this project go faster. Water Committee President Roberto says his community will have all 4 tons on site in one week. Vamos a ver....
The Junquito crew was smaller, but fewer materials there

We had to wait several hours for the rain to subside, so materials wouldn't get wet. But, it was fun sitting around with the men, drinking coffee and cacao and chatting about all manner of topics.
When the flow from the new spring is added to the existing system, it
All Junquito materials go across this bridge, through the
other half of the village and up to the new spring site
will double the volume of water available and mean that far fewer families will have to carry water from a not-so-pretty river.
Once again, a huge shout out to the good folks at for supporting this project and my PC service.
This little guy was carrying 6 Gallons of water
(about 50 lbs) - He couldn't weigh much more than that

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