Sunday, February 4, 2018

Fun with Dick and Jane and the other PCVs

Bocas WASH PCVs set up for their site presentations to MINSA

IST (In Service Training) in Penonome

I always enjoy spending time with the other Peace Corps volunteers, especially my fellow water and sanitation (WASH) crew members. Sharing time at an eco-resort near Penonome was no exception. I was
Inside of meeting rooms was gorgeous
invited to train and share my field experiences on a wide range of topics – everything from improved cook stoves to GPS tracking apps to composting toilets, bottle bulbs, biodigesters, flush toilet design, soil percolation tests, PCV glue and concrete practices. Of course, there were the after-dinner rounds of Goyo Tales and some other great stories from the volunteers.
Grounds well landscaped and maintained

The whole event was well run, with guest visits from top MINSA (Ministry of Health) officials and many other experienced PCV and PCRV presenters. The facilities were outstanding (except for the food) and everything ran on schedule. A hike to the nearby river gorge and waterfall was well worth the effort, I got
I stayed in the cabin at left with 11 other folks
to share co-ed bunk quarters with 10 other folks. Miraculously none of them snored, resulting in good sleep for all. I got up early to secure easy access to the shared bathroom (sans hot water of course). Campfires, popcorn and movies filled the nights. – volleyball during the breaks. After surviving all the rain in Bocas, the weather was warm and sunny with a nice breeze – paradise.
My hike to the river was rewarded by this remarkable rock gorge and waterfall

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