Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Yala Kuna Celebration - Dancing, Drumming and Chlorine

The young dancers - all in flowers, body paint and those bright skirts

The drumming corps was small but loud
A very special day in Ipeti - celebration of Yala, the Goddess of Water. Oddly  (or maybe not), it was a totally sunny day. Most of the village women turned out in their bright skirts and all had body markings of the temporary marking dye. (which I will try one day). There was drumming and dancing (videos later today) and traditional fish and plantain lunch, with a corn drink.
It was a work day for me, but I couldn't resist the drums.

The Water Goddess - Yala Kuna in her garden

Dancers Video:

Drummers Video :

Despite the distraction of a drumming and dancing celebration, we managed to get the new chlorine drip system up and running. This will disinfect ALL of the village's water. Combined with the improved sanitation of the Bano units, diarrhea, parasites and other intestinal maladies should be greatly reduced.
I wonder what water goddess Yala Kuna thought of this ??

New shut off valve, filter and converted hospital IV drip system delivers just the right amount of drops per minute (12) to keep the water safe.

The ladies served a very tasty lunch of garlic roasted tilapia from the Lake Bayano, with fried plantains, in a handy palm leaf "cup" that also held a delicious corn drink, when the meal was finished. No silverware or plates needed. Nothing to clean up - the "cup" goes back to nature.

The "tailless whip scorpion"
I’ve never seen a spider like this. About 1 ½ “ across and very flat. I figure it is doing its part to keep my insect population down. Turns out, it's not a spider at all. The "tailless whip scorpion" lives quite harmlessly in my bathroom. (harmless unless you are an insect, that is)

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