Friday, November 10, 2017

Protests, Sewers, Uprisings and More

Legendary Rufina in the Los Santos Uprising
Yet another holiday here in Panama today - Los Santos Uprising Day 
While revolutionary leaders in Panama City were discussing plans to declare independence from Spanish rule, the little village of Los Santos in Verugas province decided to act on their own. They captured the local Spanish garrison armed only with rocks, clubs and machetes. When word of this reached Panama City two weeks later, there was an official proclamation of Independence from Spain.
A curious note is the the legend of Rufina Alfaro, a Los Santos teenage girl who is said to have cried “Long Live Liberty!” while attacking the garrison. Historians can't confirm her existence, but it's a good legend anyway.
Ex-President Martinelli and sons - Look familiar ?

There have been a rash of protests and demonstrations here in Panama over what many see as leniency for all the fraud and corruption convictions over the last few years - mostly arising from the Martinelli presidency. 
Case in point is one of Martinelli's cronies who got a $143 Million contract to build roads in Cocle province, paid himself and friends over $1M in "consulting fees" and then bankrupted the company before any construction was done. He was convicted and sentenced to 18 months in low security "country club" prison. No fines or repatriation.
I can appreciated how folks might feel ripped off.
One recent conviction involves Martinelli's sons. Folks are demanding some real punishment. Looks a bit like Trump & Sons, yes? I can only hope that Trump and sons will get some punishment for their transgressions.

PCV Paige Tweedy at the temporary spring catchment

Another small village water system evaluated. This time with help from 2 local Peace Corps Volunteers. Quebrada Cacao is small but feisty. Their old water source dried up so they found a new one and built a collection box, which was promptly destroyed by a 4 foot diameter tree. They removed said tree (a Herculean task by hand and chainsaw) and are rebuilding with the Volunteer's help.

A sadly typical sewage canal in Changuinola
The city of Changuinola, Panama is in the process of building a sewage treatment plant and running sewer lines. None to soon - the current system of open sewers that empty to rivers and sea are a health disaster waiting to happen. 
Folks around here don't seem to mind, so long as the heavy rains continue to flush out the sewage                                                                                                  canals.

Some areas have taken to covering the sewage canals
with a sidewalk, two birds with one stone
The US went through the same septic evolution not so many years ago. The first sewage systems in the US were built in the 1870's - only in a few big cities (Chicago was the first). But all those sewer systems flowed to rivers, lakes and oceans. First treatment plants were not built until the 1950's . As late as the 70's the majority of sewage went relatively untreated.

I saw another lady carrying a heavy load from her forehead today, just like the coffee bean carrier the other day. It seems it is standard procedure around here. It looks more stressful than carrying the weight from the shoulders.
But what does a gringo know ??

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