Friday, June 9, 2017

In the early Morning Rain

Graceful egret early morning flight

To most folks, getting up and out the door at 5am in a light drizzle, to walk ½ mile to wait at the bus stop is not on the list of great ways to start the day. But, to me and some others that time becomes a gift to be savored – that sacred quiet time of the morning to see, feel, hear and smell all the joys of the world around us.
Walking down the misty road, the air is cool and would be refreshing save for the dense humidity. The little frogs are the first to call to me from their liquid lairs in the drainage ditches at either side of the road click to hear frogs. I can just make out the little lumps of foam that contain the seeds of their next generation. Then, at a much higher pitch, the crickets chirp – a welcome change from the screeching katydids of the dry season. Out in the depths of the teak forest, the Howler monkeys call their sad wailing call that could only sound good to another Howler.
Parrots have broad wings like British Spitfire

In the gathering light, I can just begin to make out the shapes of the birds flying overhead. Parrots and parakeets squawking loudly click to hear the parrots, always flying in pairs, their broad short wings remind me of the British Spitfire. Silently soar the egrets above, long graceful wings all flying in perfect formation. And the myriad small songbirds that fill any empty space between the distant and inevitable roosters. It is hard for me to imagine why anyone would be plugged into an iPod at such a time.

In between the bird calls, the dripping thud of raindrops playing, drumming on the huge teak leaves of the forest. The sky is just getting light to the east and the frequency of traffic, mostly big trucks at this hour, has increased. Off it the distance, before I can even see its lights, I hear the high whine of a Toyota Coaster bus engine approaching. I wave my arm, the driver dims his lights and my quiet morning time is done. Only to be continued at some later date..

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