Friday, March 31, 2017

A Visit to MINSA (Ministerio de Salud)

This is about as "business attire" as I get these days
They say it’s not what you know, but who you know. My new friend Jorge Letras, who I met at the Penn State Latrine Conference in Piedra Gorda, said he’d set me up with the “right people” at The Ministry of Health , sub-sector DAPOS the water and sanitation group. And indeed he did. It might have taken me hours just to find the right building in the sprawling MINSA complex. And it certainly helped to have a government official introducing me around. My Peace Corps ID scored points, as well. I found out that we can indeed get free water quality testing and other tech support for my Water Committees – and all we have to do is ask the “right people”. I also got some legal questions answered about
One of MANY buildings in the MINSA complex
illegal water uses and implied rights-of-way for the aqueducts, which will solve 4 current problems my folks are having. This is HUGE news and a great step forward for the Water Committees. Bingo, Bango, Bongo. I came home loaded with a USB full of documents and contacts.

Th Dolphin Club was formerly a US Navy Club
To top it off, Jorge took me to his private club (The Dolphin Club was the club for US Navy Brass, before the Canal changed hands) for lunch – ceviche, grilled sea bass, asparagus and apple pie like my Nana used to make. Color me – one very happy (and grateful) camper. Yes, the rewards from Peace Corps service are sometimes quite tangible. And tasty.

Due to the extreme dry conditions here in Panama, my shower has become a haven for all manner of critters seeking the residual moisture from the concrete walls. A Whip Scorpion shed its skin/shell. Note MacGyver shower head of 1/2" threaded PVC cap. Regular shower heads plug up with the fine suspended particles. Not my simple head.

Momma dog is down to just 4 pups from her litter of 8. Coincidence that she only has 4 enlarged tits?

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