Friday, July 13, 2018


Leaving a Peace Corps service is not as simple as just packing up and catching a flight back home. Like any government agency, there is a lengthy procedure to follow at Close of Service (COS).

First and foremost are the full medical and dental exams, to make sure Volunteers are returning healthy and whole. If there are issues, PC will cover the cost of treatments back home. Some of the other COS tasks:

Write your Description of Service, a document detailing service dates and achievements for the PC official archive.

Close your PC bank account, draw the balance down to zero, surrender your debit card and get the certification from the bank.

Settle up any funds owed to or from the PC.

Get clearance from the Grants Coordinator that any grants are closed and settled.

Decide whether to take a free ticket home or $500 and buy your own.

Return any PC issued equipment, like satellite phone or in my case, a PC life jacket (that I never used).

Complete the Safety and Security report, detailing any security issues.

Have your exit interview with your program manager and the Country Director.

Complete a final site report about your site(s).

Attend the COS ceremony, which is sure to raise a tear or two.

Included in the mix are Good-Byes, Thank Yous and appreciations to all the good folks in your site and at the office, who helped make your service a success. For regular PCVs, it’s time for last Farewells with the other PCVs with whom you’ve shared the last 2+ years. Response volunteers, like me, just watch and remember vicariously.

And then, you pack your things and catch that flight home; the proud new owner of the designation “Returned Peace Corps Volunteer”.

Link to Panama Blogs in book form as Word document:

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