Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mission Accomplished

Happy people , with better water is the ultimate goal

My Peace Corps (PCPP) grant project to rehabilitate and upgrade the water systems in Barriada Santos and Junquito, Panama is now complete. A HUGE Thank You to Waterlines for funding and supporting the project. And to the good people of these two rural communities, who worked over 1200 hours, moving about 9,000 lbs. of materials, building new water intakes and laying, connecting and burying over 1.3 Km of pipe.

Here’s what we accomplished:

The new spring box at Junquito
Added about 7 GPM (10,000 gallons per day) of fresh spring water to the village supply, nearly doubling their supply.
Connected 4 families at higher elevations to the system, who never had running water before
Trained Water Committee in accounting and community in water conservation & disinfection

Accounting training for the Santos water committee
Barriada Santos
Added about 16 GPM (23,000 gallons per day) of spring water to the village supply, providing water even in dry season and doubling the rainy season supply
Connected 7 new families to the system, who never had running water previously

A lot of hard work by the community made this happen

Improved water pressure to 16 families on the far high side of the system, who only had water pressure late at night and now have pressure all day
Added a sturdy access ladder to the water tank, allowing better access for maintenance
Rehabilitated, re-sealed and painted the water tank and cleared adjacent trees
Installed 7 new valves for better water control
Connected 3 families at high elevation
Trained Water Committee in accounting and community in water conservation and disinfection

The happy face of success
Marilin and her family have clean running water at their home
No more lugging 5 gallon buckets up and down the hill
With a combined population of about 700, the $2,700 grant gave improved water service for less than $4 per person. That is “Bang for Buck”. 

THANK YOU, Waterlines !!

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