Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Close of Service in Panama

One of the "perks" of being the oldest guy in the room, is you get called on to make little speeches. Here is my text from today's COS (close of service) ceremony here in Panama after all had "banged the gong" and officially ended their fine service to the Peace Corps.

Goyo Address
27 months ago, you all made a bold decision to step out of your cozy little comfort zones and walk into the unknown world of the Peace Corps. There may have been a few times that you questioned the wisdom of that decision. But, because of that decision and your service here in Panama, you have each and every one, made the world a better place – a healthier place, a safer place, a world with more friendship and peace than existed before you came. Not just because of your technical work, but in the way you represented Americans here and the way you told your friends and family back home about your life and the people here.
Perhaps just as important as your service to others here, is your service to yourselves. You learned a lot about yourselves in the last 2 years – how many creature comforts you can live without, how much rain you can tolerate before going bat shit crazy, how much you can get done and how strong, resourceful and determined you really are. Those are some of the gifts you’ve given yourselves and they are well deserved. Gifts that will serve you for the rest of your lives. You all have every reason to be proud of what you’ve done here – every reason to stand a little taller than when you arrived.
It now is my great honor to welcome you to the very special brotherhood (and sisterhood) of RETURNED Peace Corps Volunteers. Congratulationsand Thank You to you all.
If you have the chance, please thank an RPCV for what they've done and what they've given. They don't wear uniforms or carry guns, but their service to America is every bit as real and meaningful as those who do.