Friday, January 26, 2018

Moving Forward

Well, it’s been a quiet week(s) here in Changuinola, Panama – my home town.

Bastamientos Beach
The rains have continued unabated, but I’ve learned to deal with it. Mudslides, flooding and fallen trees continue to plague the area, but folks here rebound quickly. There have been two absolutely GORGEOUS sunny days, which I leveraged into beach trips to Isla Colon and Bastamientos. Too much silt flowing out the bay for good diving or snorkeling, but it still feels good to swim and body-surf in my beloved Caribbean. And have some Rondon and curried chicken.
Flooding continues in Colon

My water system construction projects have been officially approved by the Peace Corps, so we can get going as soon as the money is delivered. I’ve been spending lots of rainy days planning over cups of Cacao with the water committee members. The timing is actually just right, as funds should arrive just about the time the rains stop (or at least diminish).
Excited to work with Jose - dear friend and expert mason
We’ve calculated drop points and schedules to transport BY HAND about 5 TONS of materials and supplies from the drop points to the construction sites, as well as which families will be responsible for feeding and watering the work crews. After that will come construction, with my dear brother and expert mason Jose M at my side. We hope to have everything done before the rains begin again in May. After that, I’ll be doing water committee trainings in accounting, operations and maintenance, as well as some community trainings in water disinfection and conservation.

La Iguana Eco Lodge - site of Peace Corps IST
Next week, I’ll be travelling to Penonome, where I’ve been asked to guest lecture the newest group of PCVolunteers at their IST (In-Service-Training) on topics like: GPS Tracking apps, Improved cook stove theory, Bottle bulbs, Water tank access ladders and techniques for working with concrete and PVC. I love being around the “youngsters” and their energy and enthusiasm.

I’ve also been invited to speak at a panel discussion on “The Evolution of Work” at my 45th Princeton reunion. Icing on the already delicious cake of seeing all my old room-mates and classmates.

And that’s the news from Changuinola – where all the men are short, the women are shorter and all the children want to go to America.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Rain, Rain, Go Away

Flooded street in Almirante
Not a lot of news lately. I’ve been locked in discussions with the PC Staff over my grant proposal and cleaning up paperwork details with MINSA on official water committee status in the grant communities.

Mudslide on the road to La Gloria

Efforts have been hampered by the weather. We’ve had another 4 day rain event, which caused flooding, mudslides and fallen trees all over this area and Panama in general. That's 82 hours of CONTINUOUS rain !!

Worst hit was the Colon area (Caribbean end of Canal), which is all built on filled land about 5 feet above sea level with really poor drainage.

Tree across the road to Valle Risco - bus had to turn back